Walker's Bluff Casino Resort - Carterville, Illinois - Donation Request

Donation Requests

Walker's Bluff Casino Resort is dedicated to helping those in our community and surrounding areas. If your non-profit organization or fundraising entity is interested in applying for a donation, please complete the donation request form below. All applicants must complete this form.

Due to the number of requests we receive, donation requests must be submitted no later than three weeks prior to your event. If you are requesting a financial contribution, submit your request well before your event date to allow our contributions committee ample time to review. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.

To make a request, please complete the form and either submit it electronically or print and mail to:

Walker's Bluff Casino Resort
777 Walkers Bluff Way
Carterville, IL 62918-2514
Attn: Donation Requests

Walker's Bluff Casino Resort Donation Request Form

Event Information

Contact Information

Type of Donation Request

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777 Walkers Bluff Way, Carterville, IL 62918

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